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The Benefits of Durolane Injections for Joint Pain Relief

Toby Barker 29-01-2025

When you have joint pain, it can be debilitating. You may have been told that there isn’t much you can do about it and you should just rest and wait for the pain to go. Or you’ve visited your GP and they have hooked you up with some powerful painkillers that will mask the pain, but as soon as the medication runs out, you are back at the Doctor’s to get a repeat prescription in a never ending cycle.

You may not know where to turn, but at Chester’s Premium Clinic for Injection Therapy, Relive Physiotherapy, you will get advice and solutions that will probably go against what you might have been told elsewhere. We can get you active again, enjoying life and doing the things that you were doing before the pain struck.

One of the powerful pain busting tools that we have at our disposal is Durolane, which can offer significant relief for people who are suffering from joint pain, be it from Osteoarthritis or just general wear and tear.

What is Durolane?
Durolane is a Hyaluronic Acid treatment that can be injected directly into a painful joint. At Relive Physiotherapy, this is done by our qualified Ultrasound Guided Injection Therapist, Raj Gandhi. Hyaluronic Acid occurs naturally in the body and helps to lubricate and cushion your joints. When you have Osteoarthritis, the amount of lubrication in your joints decreases significantly, causing pain, bone rubbing and inflammation. When you opt for a Durolane treatment, the levels of Hyaluronic Acid are returned to their expected levels and this provides natural cushioning, giving you pain relief, reducing swelling and improving your ability to use the affected joint.

1. Effective Pain Relief
A Durolane supplement Injection can provide you with significant pain relief. It does this by replenishing the Hyaluronic Acid in the joint, reducing friction and wear and tear on the cartilage. Our clients tell us that they have immediate relief following the injection and the effects of one injection can last upwards of 12 months. The benefit of this is that it can help you manage any chronic pain while staving off unnecessary surgery.

2. Improved Joint Mobility
When you have a painful joint, it naturally gets stiff and you have limited movement, which affects you in all of your daily activities, such as sitting, standing, walking, getting out of bed, getting dressed, tying your shoes etc. The Hyaluronic Acid Injection helps restore the lubrication in the joint, reducing your pain and giving you more mobility and flexibility. As your pain decreases, your movement improves and you are often able to regain a large range of motion, significantly improving your quality of life.

3. Minimally Invasive Treatment
This is not a surgical procedure and your Durolane Injection Treatment can take place at Relive Physiotherapy in Raj’s office. In total, you will be in and out in less than an hour. The recovery time is minimal and you can resume normal activities within a day or two, with only a mild discomfort or swelling at the injection site. This makes Durolane and excellent treatment for those who want relief from their pain without the risks and recovery time following surgery.

4. Long-Lasting Relief
You can get pain relief almost immediately when you opt for a Durolane injection. This relief can last for many months, and in some cases, up to or even exceeding 1 year. However, there are many factors that can influence how long the relief from this treatment can last, so it is impossible to put an accurate figure on how long you will feel the positive benefits. However, one thing is sure, it reduces the need for longer-term treatments, which can be costlier in the long run. You can manage your joint pain in a way that is more suited to your lifestyle rather than having to succumb to the pain that ends up ruling your life. Injections can also slow down the progression of Osteoarthritis, which will end up preserving your joints for longer.

5. Fewer Side Effects Compared to Oral Medications
If you have been taking tablets to manage your pain, then you will be familiar with the side effects that often come hand in hand with this type of treatment: stomach pain, ulcers and problems with your kidneys. Durolane is an injection that takes place directly into the area around the joint, so this greatly reduces the chance of any nasty (or not nasty) side effects. This is a much safer alternative solution for anybody who can’t take oral medicine or is worried about any potential side effects and complications.

6. Promotes Joint Health
In addition to providing pain relief, Durolane injections may help improve the overall health of your joint. Hyaluronic Acid helps to nourish and protect your cartilage, slowing down the wear and tear process of Osteoarthritis. By restoring the natural properties of the joint fluid, Durolane may support the healing of damaged tissue and contribute to long-term joint health.

7. A Non-Surgical Option for Joint Care
If you are thinking about surgery on your painful joint or looking to delay surgery, Durolane offers a non-surgical option to manage your pain and improve the function of your joint. It’s great for people with mild to moderate Osteoarthritis and people who have pain, but where surgery is not yet necessary.

Who Can Benefit from Durolane Injections?
Raj most commonly gives Durolane injections to people who suffer from Osteoarthritis, and most usually in the knee and shoulder (but he does them in other joints too). He also sees people who have injuries at their joints, those who have general wear and tear and those that have conditions that affects the quality and quantity of synovial fluid (lubricator) in the joint. If you are suffering chronic pain in your joints and none of the other treatments that you have tried have worked, then it might be worth giving Durolane a try.

If you are suffering from joint pain and suffering from Osteoarthritis, then Durolane is an effective and perfect non-invasive treatment for you. It can help with your pain, the mobility of your joints and it has minimal side effects, which means that you can go about your life as you did before the pain got too much. If you aren’t sure about whether Durolane could be for you, then get in touch with the Best Clinic in Chester for Injection Therapy, Relive Physiotherapy and have a chat with Raj who will help you make a decision and talk you through the different options that you have.

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